Monday, December 5, 2016

OBDSTAR X300DP Adjust Mileage for Cadillac ATSL 2016

OBDSTAR X300 DP PAD tablet Key Programmer not only play with programming keys but also some special functions like program ECU , read Pin code, adjust Mileage etc. Really a higher level diagnostic tool for workshop or dealer.

Here is step by step procedure of changing mileage for Cadillac ATSL 2016.


OBDSTAR X300DP PAD Tablet Key Programmer

-Cadillac ATSL 2016

Step1: Prepare
Connect X300DP with vechile and open X300DP
Press on START button

Step2: Choose vehicle information
Choose “Mileage adjust” option and click on GM

Choose GM V30.45 to go on

Then choose Cadillac

Choose ATS2013-

Mileage adjustment (correction)

It is communicating...

Step3: Adjust mileage

The current mileage information

Input the new mileage and press ENTER to continue

Value: 3061

It is communicating...
The mileage value at presant

Done! Successfully change mileage for Cadillac ATSL 2016


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    1. this blog share a lot of auto key programming tips:
